Make Money on the Internet (and lose weight at the same time!)
In: Do-It-Yourself-Moms, Money Makers
Sponsor Code: ahm812533
The dilemma: You’re probably paying anywhere from $9.99-$59.99 a month for the internet, why not let it pay for itself? Sure, you’ve heard of all the “Get paid to shop online” offers and the “Blog for Bucks” opportunities – but this is one thing that I’ve been doing that really works and is super easy – keeping track of my health! 🙂
That’s right – that chocolate candy bar can pay for itself when you track it in your food diary at! You can also watch exercise videos, track your weight loss progress, read health news articles, and the best part – make money! Did I mention it’s free? 🙂
What it is:The site,, is designed to help people take control of their health and wellness. It has a really neat emergency feature where you can put in your medical info like names and phone numbers of your doctors, medications you are on, allergies, and medical conditions. You can print off an emergency card with your name on it, put it in your wallet, and if you’re ever in a car accident, or other emergency situation, the EMT’s can look up your information online, and have quick access to it.
How I do it: I’ve been going onto the site every day (with some misses!) for about 5 minutes for the past 25 days, and I’ve earned $46.78! This will keep accruing and the checks come in the mail at the end of every three month period. You can start anytime, and make a few extra bucks to pay for a gallon of gas (BORING, but necessary!), a date night out at a nice restaurant, or even some extra birthday gifts! The earnings are limitless, but I don’t want to spend too much time on the site each day, so I just make a goal of getting about $2.00 each time I’m on. This usually takes me about 3-5 minutes. We’re going on vacation in September, and I’ve been working out and losing weight, so I’m planning to use my extra money to buy some new clothes for our trip – I’m hoping to have close to $150 by then! 🙂
The way it works: For every click of your mouse, you earn about $.025. . . this doesn’t sound like much, but do you realize how many times you click your mouse button? 🙂 Then there’s things you can type in which earn you even more $$! In fact, when I first signed up, I earned close to $10 just for filling in all the profiles! And speaking of profiles, you can fill in as little or as much of the info as you’d like in order to keep your peace of mind about the internet security. It’s extremely secure, but I still chose not to include my SS#, and I still received all the $$ for filling out the profile and wasn’t penalized for not including that bit of information.
How to get started: Go here to fill in the simple registration form and use the sponsor code ahm812533. This code will give you access to the bonus points pages (getting more $$ for your clicks) and will give me a little bonus!
How are you going to use your extra cash? 🙂
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