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“I don’t wuv you, Mommy.”

In: Family Snapshots

Chloe gasps. I’m taken aback a little.

Did my sweet little 3 year old just say that to me?

We had been riding in the car – at lunch hour – on Haywood Road. Those of you who are local to me know that that isn’t an easy place to be, ever. Let alone lunch time. Kami had asked for “Muppet Music” – their latest movie soundtrack fascination. I had asked her to wait until I could get to a safe place to find it on my phone. (ie, the next red light.)

Then she yelled, “Mommy! TURN ON THE MUPPET MUSIC NOW!”

That kinda shocked me.  She hasn’t really done that before. But then, she did just turn three a few weeks ago.

The ever knowledgable big sister said to her, “Kami, love is patient and kind. You are not being kind to  Mommy.”

I said, “That’s right Kami, if you want something, and Mommy says “wait”, you need to wait patiently and kindly for it. Because you love Mommy, right?”

She did her signature eye squint and said, “No, I don’t wuv you, Mommy.”

And Chloe gasped.

I said, “Well, I love you, Kami.”

She said, “I don’t wuv you, Mommy. So I will not be patient and kind.”

Chloe gasped again. What blasphemy!, she must be thinking.

Smarty pants, I was thinking.

I said, (thank you, Lord!), “Well, Kami, that’s ok. Because one time I didn’t love Jesus even though He kept doing a lot of good things for me.”

Chloe gasped yet again. My sister AND my mommy have gone off the deep end!

I continued, “But He still loved me. So I will keep loving you. I love you Kami.”

Kami just squinted at me.

Huh. I didn’t think that would happen for another 10 years or so. I don’t think any mother is ever quite ready to hear such words. (My 5 year old certainly wasn’t!)

I’m just thankful for this small opportunity to get a little tiny picture of what God’s love is for me. And I’ve done a lot worse than just unkindly yell for a song on my iPhone.

About two hours later – after some more fun in the car, a trip to the post office, lunch, and now in bed for a nap, I go to tuck her in. She said to me,

“Mommy, I wuv you now. I will be patient and kind with you. Jesus will help me wuv you and be patient and kind now. I wuv you, Mommy.”

Dear God,

Thank you for this small glimpse into your unconditional love for me. Help me to love others unconditionally. Like you’ve always loved me. And please remind me daily…hourly of one of the most important commands I have as a parent:

” The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children.”

Deuteronomy 6



  • Shelby Bridges

    April 18, 2012 at 11:35 pm

    I was looking for something else on your page when came across this, what an amazing story! My daughter is 3 and says the very same words but I don’t think she understands what shes saying to me. But I love your patience and responce and I will definately be keeping this story in mind. Thank you for sharing this, it made my night<3


  • Kim

    April 19, 2012 at 7:22 am

    Shelby – in my (short!) experience with now my 2nd 3 year old…they are a ton of fun. And a ton of emotions. 😉

    I try to remember that “when I was still a sinner….that’s when Christ died for me.”(Romans 5:8,9) keeping that in mind…I can’t do anything BUT love my girls…no matter how many times they’ve spilled milk on the floor that day. I’m sure you are a fantastic mom. And thanks for your comment!


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