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Chloe loves money.

In: Family Snapshots, Money Savers

She really does.  Not the principle that it will get you things. . . which hopefully she won’t necessarily love. . . but the actual money?  Yeah, she loves it!  Chris and I have this box that we drop our change in during the week.  When it fills up, we use it to meet a need of ours at the time.  The first time I saved all my change was when Chris and I were engaged ( I actually started saving in 9th grade (anyone remember my “wedding ring money”?), and I used it to buy his wedding band – which was really nice – and I got exactly what I wanted with some great engraving inside, and the price was just pennies under what i had saved with change for 5 years! 🙂

The second time we filled our box was for our last vacation before Chloe – about a year and a half ago, we went down to be in my best friend, Laura’s wedding, and then to Savannah, GA for the week.  We ended up using the money for gas.  Boring, I know.  But it was nice not to have to budget our vacation savings around the gas!

This time, who knows?  We have no idea what our needs will be when we get this box filled again.  But for now, it’s one of Chloe’s favorite pasttimes – emptying it out, one penny at a time, and putting it back in, one penny at a time.  I’m just thankful she puts it all back! 🙂

This is how I found her when she had been quiet for way too long. . .


Here’s what she did when I started singing the “clean-up” song. . . .




 And this is after she rolled all the coins, took them to the bank, deposited it all, and brought me the receipt of the transaction.  Just kidding. 🙂



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